Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sheep Sorrel
(dog-eared Sheep Sorrel, sometimes called Sourgrass)
Rumex acetosella, Family Polygonaceae

Grows up to 18 inches tall. Identify by narrow arrow-shaped basal leaves.
Use whole herb including root. pH 4.5
Sheep Sorrel makes up:
35% of the Essiac formula
100% of the Sheep Sorrel Decoction formula

Leaves and stems of both male and female plants are most potent in May and June in Northern Hemisphere, just as the flowers are forming. “...picked in the Spring before seeds form and dried and powdered”
Seeds are best collected in August when fully ripe and just about to drop.
Roots should be harvested in November or December after the first frosts
Thrives in acidic conditions (as does cancer) preferring neutral to acidic conditions of sandy soils, good loam and clay.
One piece of root remaining in the soil is enough to regenerate growth (like cancer)
Infiltrates surrounding ground sending out fingers of roots (like cancer) and forms a defined territory of growth (that it will cannot be forced to grow beyond even with artificial seeding).

30 fl. oz either filtered, distilled or bottled mineral water (pH7) ( 30fl oz = 0.88 of a litre = 3.75 cups)
1 fl.Oz sheep sorrel herb as: (1fl oz = 1/8 of a cup)
7g powdered leaf and stem (both male and female plants, May-June Harvest)
1g powdered root (November harvest, after first frosts)
1g crushed seed (August harvest)

Bring water to boil, add powdered herb and simmer for 5 minutes.
Remove the pan from the heat, cover, allow to stand for 12 hours.
Reheat the decoction to steaming - DO NOT REBOIL!
Bottle in prepared sterilised small bottles, preferably 30ml maximum. Seal immediately and well, remembering that the decoction contains no preservatives. Refrigerate as soon as the bottles have cooled.
Don’t strain through (cheese)cloth
“... to strain it through cheesecloth destroys it... do not strain through cheesecloth or anything else.” Rene Caisse

Topically as an undiluted lotion, either to bathe the affected area once or twice daily, or to soak sterile gauze swabs to use as dressings. Change the dressings once every 24 hours.
Diluted 10 ml decoction with 20 ml water warmed to blood heat, as a mouthwash once daily or as an enema or douche once every third day last thing at night on going to bed.

Rene Caisse - injected the decoction into human muscle. “intramuscular injection to the forearm”
Decoction - tested on mice
“One oz of the powdered herb put in 30 oz of pure water, brought to a rolling boil and boiled for five minutes. This would reduce the boiling to 28 oz’s. Turn off the heat and let stand overnight. Then pour off liquid into sterile bottles (or fill one c.c. ampoules to keep for intramuscular injection. One ampoule should treat two mice (innoculated with human cancer) every day. Do this every day for 9 days. I am sure you will get results.)” Rene Caisse

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