Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday Sept 8th 2009

  • ESSIAC tea (orally) 10 ml Twice a day. NOT TODAY YET
  • DAY 60 PREDNISOLONE 2.0 ml x2/day (80% of the original dose)
  • DAY 3 PREDNISONE quarter tablet (ran out of Prednisolone temporarily)
  • OPC one capsule twice/day - South African 'anti-cancer' herb: Stopped at Day 50 for a break from the OPC.
  • DAY 69 CF IP-6 & Inositol one capsule twice/day
  • DAY 85 HYDRAZINE SULFATE one capsule/once a day in morning after food.
  • Liver tonic ( 2 drops in food twice a day) Ongoing since the beginning of Lucy's treatment. (from homeopathic vet)
  • Nox Vomica 30 + H (from homeopathic vet) For nausea. Tuesday/Wednesday 3 doses.
Lucy managed to keep her spirit up while I was away for 7 days. But last three days she is not doing well. Loss of appetite, but swollen belly, nausea (vomited), restless at night, panting.
Not going to write too much today.

Just given her a dose of this homeopathic remedy to see if it will help the nausea.