Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saturday August 22nd 2009

  • not today (nausea) ESSIAC tea (orally) 10 ml + 1ml extra Sheep Sorrel Decoction Twice a day.
  • DAY 43 PREDNISOLONE 2.5 ml x2/day (100% of the original dose)
  • not today (nausea) DAY 48 OPC one capsule twice/day - South African 'anti-cancer' herb
  • DAY 52 CF IP-6 & Inositol one capsule twice/day
  • DAY68 HYDRAZINE SULFATE one capsule/once a day in morning after food.
  • SHEEP SORREL DECOCTION ON GAUZE compress : on back left leg lump. Nightly applied with a gauze soaked in the sheep sorrel, kept in place with first aid tape.
  • not eating Liver tonic ( 2 drops in food twice a day) Ongoing since the beginning of Lucy's treatment. (from homeopathic vet)
  • Ipecac - 3 doses (nausea treatment)
DOWNSWING (see below info)
Waiting for an appointment time with the vet. Concerned that new complications are rearing their head... central nervous system? She seems less steady on her feet... nausea... slight cough...

The sheep Sorrel decoction on her elbow overnight seems to be rapidly shrinking the inflammation there. Much improved. The size of the lump on her back leg is stable and seems to no longer be attached to the muscle underneath but floating in the skin instead. It is soft and perhaps still reducing in size.

Refusing all food today. Did not eat much yesterday. Threw up all the water when she finally did drank today.
I am going to try syringing some ginger infused tea into her mouth. This is supposed to be very helpful for nausea in chemo patients.

COUGH - sounds a bit phlegmy
She started to cough a little since yesterday. Just now and then.. maybe five or six times during the day. Just one cough, as if clearing the throat.

She seems weak. Wants to lie outside on the cool ground.
Slow walking, although the usual keyword triggers will still rouse her to bark and be playful. (eg... "is there a skunk?"... "where's the cat" etc ) Her gait is a little slower and she has stumbled occasionally on some surprisingly simple steps since last few days.


  1. Hey Jamie- so sorry to hear that Lucy is not feeling great. It really breaks my heart and also scares me to death to know that we too, will inevitably be where you are right now...
    You have been so full of love and compassion for your special friend and she knows how much you love her, remember that.
    Our thoughts are with you tonight and really hoping for the next "up swing".

  2. Hang in there! I will pray for Lucy. Do you want Lucy to try the Yunzhi? It works quite good on my dog.
