Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sheep Sorrel
(dog-eared Sheep Sorrel, sometimes called Sourgrass)
Rumex acetosella, Family Polygonaceae

Grows up to 18 inches tall. Identify by narrow arrow-shaped basal leaves.
Use whole herb including root. pH 4.5
Sheep Sorrel makes up:
35% of the Essiac formula
100% of the Sheep Sorrel Decoction formula

Leaves and stems of both male and female plants are most potent in May and June in Northern Hemisphere, just as the flowers are forming. “...picked in the Spring before seeds form and dried and powdered”
Seeds are best collected in August when fully ripe and just about to drop.
Roots should be harvested in November or December after the first frosts
Thrives in acidic conditions (as does cancer) preferring neutral to acidic conditions of sandy soils, good loam and clay.
One piece of root remaining in the soil is enough to regenerate growth (like cancer)
Infiltrates surrounding ground sending out fingers of roots (like cancer) and forms a defined territory of growth (that it will cannot be forced to grow beyond even with artificial seeding).

30 fl. oz either filtered, distilled or bottled mineral water (pH7) ( 30fl oz = 0.88 of a litre = 3.75 cups)
1 fl.Oz sheep sorrel herb as: (1fl oz = 1/8 of a cup)
7g powdered leaf and stem (both male and female plants, May-June Harvest)
1g powdered root (November harvest, after first frosts)
1g crushed seed (August harvest)

Bring water to boil, add powdered herb and simmer for 5 minutes.
Remove the pan from the heat, cover, allow to stand for 12 hours.
Reheat the decoction to steaming - DO NOT REBOIL!
Bottle in prepared sterilised small bottles, preferably 30ml maximum. Seal immediately and well, remembering that the decoction contains no preservatives. Refrigerate as soon as the bottles have cooled.
Don’t strain through (cheese)cloth
“... to strain it through cheesecloth destroys it... do not strain through cheesecloth or anything else.” Rene Caisse

Topically as an undiluted lotion, either to bathe the affected area once or twice daily, or to soak sterile gauze swabs to use as dressings. Change the dressings once every 24 hours.
Diluted 10 ml decoction with 20 ml water warmed to blood heat, as a mouthwash once daily or as an enema or douche once every third day last thing at night on going to bed.

Rene Caisse - injected the decoction into human muscle. “intramuscular injection to the forearm”
Decoction - tested on mice
“One oz of the powdered herb put in 30 oz of pure water, brought to a rolling boil and boiled for five minutes. This would reduce the boiling to 28 oz’s. Turn off the heat and let stand overnight. Then pour off liquid into sterile bottles (or fill one c.c. ampoules to keep for intramuscular injection. One ampoule should treat two mice (innoculated with human cancer) every day. Do this every day for 9 days. I am sure you will get results.)” Rene Caisse

Other Treatments Used by Blog Followers

I am going to start a list here of blog readers suggestions:

MARITIME PINE BARK EXTRACT: Josie from Halifax, Nova Scotia
Wisp, 11 year old Border Collie.

"Dr. Robert Macdowell out of Australia. I got very excited about their "support" system they offer dogs with lymphoma. It is one- a Maritime Pine Bark extract- a super anti-oxident combinded with an herbal remedy. They were so quick to get back to us and very helpful. We are ordering the stuff very soon. And our new vet looked over the concoction and thought it would be great. It can also be used in conjunction with other treatments which i like! The testimonials on the dogs doing this treatment with lymphoma were very impressive. You should check it out."

YUNZHI: Gloria from Hong Kong.
16 year-old Shih Tsu.

"I am feeding him a chinese supplement, which is the extract from Yunzhi, a type of fungus found on broad-leafed trees and pine trees. I think it's something similar to chaga tea you mentioned on your blog."

Researchers and traditional herbalists have discovered that polysaccharides in Yunzhi mushroom possess broad immune stimulatory properties that helps to bolster the body's defenses against microbes and an array of cancers.

Hydrazine Sulfate - How does it work? Where can I get it?

    Published on: 9/12/2007 Last Visited: 9/12/2007 This is a common industrial chemical that was first proposed in the treatment of cancer in the 1970s by Joseph Gold, M.D., of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute.Its use is based on the fact that a cancer cell is known to derive it's energy from fermenting sugar instead of by burning oxygen, as normal cells do. Gold reasoned that hydrazine sulfate would inhibit the liver's ability to deliver sugar to the tumor and, in that way, inhibit tumor growth.
It requires a prescription from a vet. In order to make that possible, I phoned Judy Taylor at the Syracuse Center for Cancer Research to find out as much as I could about it. After that, armed with the information she gave me and the link to her website, I asked my homeopathic vet if she would look into it herself, and I told her that I wished to try it with Lucy. She agreed to do some research herself and also phoned a natural pharmacy near me, where it turned out to be available. (It is used on humans too, so is not as hard to find as some may think). After that my vet was happy to write me a prescription.
Despite some early rapid weight loss when Lucy was first diagnosed, Lucy has now regained all the weight she lost, and has a healthy apetite. The low dose of Prednisolone steroid is also very active, I believe, in keeping her apetite strong, but the Hydrazine Sulfate is reputed to work well in conjunction with Prednisolone.

Wed August 12th 2009

  • ESSIAC tea (orally) 10 ml + 1ml extra Sheep Sorrel Decoction Twice a day.
  • DAY 33 PREDNISOLONE 1.5 ml x2/day (60% of the original dose)
  • DAY 43 OPC one capsule twice/day - South African 'anti-cancer' herb
  • DAY 42 CF IP-6 & Inositol one capsule twice/day
  • DAY 58 HYDRAZINE SULFATE one capsule/once a day in morning after food.
  • SHEEP SORREL DECOCTION ON GAUZE compress : on back left leg lump. Nightly applied with a gauze soaked in the sheep sorrel, kept in place with first aid tape.
  • Liver tonic ( 2 drops in food twice a day) Ongoing since the beginning of Lucy's treatment. (from homeopathic vet)
  • Amino Acid supplement 9 drops in food twice a day. Ongoing since the beginning of Lucy's treatment. (from homeopathic vet)
Skipped one night with the Sheep Sorrel on Lucy's leg. (Intuition).The next day it seemed to have again broken down the size and shape of the lump some more. Not sure what that means or if I simply examined the lump more the next day than I had for a few days before that?
A client of my homeopathic vet is coming to day to pick up some of my sheep sorrel decoction to try on her cat that has an open tumor sore on its shoulder. Will let you know what happens...

She is happily back to her Raw food again. Drinking normally.

Happy and playful. We are going with Lucy to a cabin/camping spot on 16 acres near the beach for five days this weekend. She thrives on being in the outdoors, so hoping this will be a nice boost for her and most of all, is the doggie equivalent of a 6 year olds trip to Disneyland :) We'll be visiting old growth forest as well at Cathedral Grove and scouring the beaches at low tide.
Will post photos when we get back.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday August 9th 2009

  • ESSIAC tea (orally) 10 ml + 1ml extra Sheep Sorrel Decoction Twice a day.
  • DAY 30 PREDNISOLONE 1.5 ml x2/day (60% of the original dose)
  • DAY 40 OPC one capsule twice/day - South African 'anti-cancer' herb
  • DAY 39 CF IP-6 & Inositol one capsule twice/day
  • DAY 55 HYDRAZINE SULFATE one capsule/once a day in morning after food.
  • SHEEP SORREL DECOCTION ON GAUZE compress : on back left leg lump. Nightly applied with a gauze soaked in the sheep sorrel, kept in place with first aid tape.
GOOD NEWS... Lucy has bounced back again gradually after a few days back on the steroid. I have brought the dose up to 1.5ml twice a day. (the liquid suspension is 5mg/1ml of liquid, so 1.5ml is equivalent to a 7.5 mg tablet dose which equals 15mg/day. Her original dose was 25mg/day)

The sheep sorrel soaks in overnight through the skin. This feels like a good way to introduce it to her system, in addition to the more well-known Essiac tea given orally. In the 1930's Rene Caisse was injecting Sheep Sorrel into muscle tissue, with great success at fighting cancers. However since I don't know how to do those injections, I am hoping that by soaking in through the skin a similar treatment is occurring. I am curious if anyone out there has managed to find a vet willing to try injecting it?

Lucy's Love-oma now has a site counter. We were pleasantly surprised to find out that about 50 people a week are currently reading Lucy's blog. We hope the information we are posting here proves useful to those of you out there that are also fighting canine lymphoma.

SOME QUESTIONS sent to us by a blog follower in Nova Scotia:

So, a few things- you are suggesting we avoid the steroids altogether? So far we have started the essiac tea, twice a day like Lucy, cottage cheese with flax oil twice and two meals of boiled chicken with some steamed carrots. Honestly, she seems so great- and since we started this stuff- only three days ago- she seems like a whole new pup- so we are very grateful for this. You said that steroids decrease the validity of the homeopathic approach? I have read pages and pages over the last days and never read that- but we are new and certainly don't know much right now- we are just trying to know everything we can.
I also found through reading that i did not think a remission was even possible without chemo? You seem to think it is- can you please tell me everything you can about that?
Our vet is telling us to wait for the signs that your Lucy had before we consider the steroids- rejecting food, loss of weight, etc. He has already explained that steroids really do, unfortunately, only buy some precious time with your dog...

It's great to hear that the Essiac tea is helping your dog.

It was my homeopathic vet who told me that the Steroid treatment prevents the possibility of a remission. I will ask her to give me more information about this so that I can share it on the blo
The steroid seems to be a life-saver at critical times when the dog is crashing hard. However, it is best not to give it unless they need it... That is my own personal feeling about it, which vets seem to agree with. But each person must do only what they feel is right.
The reason seems to be that the steroid is useful to reduce cell inflammation and out-of-control cell responses, but in the process it also shuts down the natural healing processes. My homeopathic vet feels that some healing might still happen, if the steroid dose is significantly reduced, but the regular vet's doses would be too high for the cell's natural healing processes to happen.

This quote from WIKI:
Corticosteroids inhibit the inflammatory response to a variety of inciting agents and probably delay or slow healing. They inhibit the edema, fibrin deposition, capillary dilation, leukocyte migration, capillary proliferation, fibroblast proliferation, deposition of collagen, and scar formation with inflammation.

Since I have decided not to pursue chemo treatments, I have not done much research on it lately. However when I did that earlier on, it seemed that it could only buy time in the form of a remission, but never a cure. So chemo might extend the life of the lymphoma animal by a few months, but those months would be more traumatic for the dog, due to the side effects and actions of the chemo treatment itself. Other factors for me about the chemo are the cost and the fact that it is modelled on human treatments. Chemo doesn't seem to work as well in dogs as it can in humans. It costs an average of $8-10,000 to treat a dog over several months with chemo. I don't have that kind of money, but if I did I would not choose the chemo path even if I was treating myself.
Since Lucy is only 6 years old, I feel that the homeopathic and 'alternative' treatment paths offered Lucy the best chance of a long-term remission. No-one ever seems to talk of a cure being possible, however the woman I spoke to in NY who is the main researcher for the Hydrazine Sulfate (which my vet had never heard of), has had successul results, extending the life of lymphoma and other cancer dogs by as much as 8 YEARS!

So to sum it up, I am currently putting my faith in the combination treatment of Essiac Herbs, Sheep Sorrel compresses, Hydrazine Sulfate, the OPC herb (ordered online from a cancer researcher in South Africa) and the homeopathic remedies prescribed by my vet. This is quite a load for Lucy daily, but she seems to respond very well to them all, without any obvious side effects.

There are labels for these treatments on the right hand side of this blog with links as well so you can find out more about these treatments.